Great Sleep Apnea Tips For All Ages

A lot of people think, incorrectly, that it is normal to wake up tired. Sleep apnea can be a dangerous condition if left untreated. This article will provide you with useful information about the sleep apnea disorder.

Are you a drinker or a smoker? Eliminate these unhealthy habits. These items can harm your airways. Alcohol can relax airways while smoking can cause them to swell, both of which can cause you to have sleep apnea. If it is not possible for you to quit cold turkey, then try not to smoke or drink immediately before bedtime.

If your sleep apnea is a result of narrow airways, look at options for a mouth guard. Through the use of a mouth guard, airways will be kept open. Talk to your physician about a mouth guard you can wear during sleep to help you control your condition.

Children are susceptible to sleep apnea. If you find your child is innatentive, always tired or uses their mouth to breath and not their nose, they may suffer from this condition. This may mimic ADHD, so be sure your doctor is investigating all the causes before making a diagnosis.

Fighting back against sleep apnea often involves eating healthier and losing weight. A lot of people are amazed at how a poor diet negatively affects sleep apnea. Studies show that people who eat low quality foods suffer from apnea worse than overweight people that eat healthy foods.

In order to make a proper diagnosis, your doctor may have you maintain a sleep journal. You would record your total hours of sleep each night, as well as symptoms that occur. Your partner can help with that, as they know whether you are a loud snorer or jerk about. This can help the doctor determine if you actually have sleep apnea.

Now that you better understand sleep apnea, you can start the journey towards better sleep and better health. Never let anyone convince you that being tired all the time is usual, or that you should not have a conversation with your physician about anything you read here.

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