After waking up in the morning were you very fatigued even when you think you slept through the night? Does the person you sleep with continuously complain about your extremely loud snoring? Have you awoken during the night as a result of your snoring? You might suffer from sleep apnea, but stay calm. This information can certainly help you out.
Avoid contact with cigarette smoke and consumption of alcohol if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. If you drink and smoke, you need to quit now. Drinking relaxes your airway to prevent proper breathing. Smoking damages all parts of your airways. Dropping both these habits entirely will help ease the symptoms of sleep apnea.
You can really cut back on your sleep apnea by giving up alcohol and smoking. Both habits impact your respiratory system, complicating sleep apnea and snoring. Remember that surgery and medications are expensive. Correcting bad habits is free.
Get through sleep apnea by consulting with your practitioner about getting a CPAP machine. The size of the machine and the loudness are both things that need to be considered. Certain CPAPs are tinier than bread boxes and are barely heard. Your doctor can recommend which machines his patients have had the most success with.
Do not neglect your CPAP machine if it has been prescribed to you. Some people have a really hard time sleeping with the device. For this CPAP therapy to work successfully, you will need four hours each day to use it. If you have a tough time with it, be sure you have the right size mask, and that the pressure is working right.
You’ve seen that there are many ways to handle sleep apnea. Try all of them, and stick with the methods that work for you. You can finally get a good night’s sleep by practicing these simple steps. You do not have to let your sleep apnea run your life anymore.